Friday, January 20, 2012

Something rotten…

There is something so Sinatra about these days…

“Regrets, I’ve had a few but then again too few to mention…
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption…
I planned each chartered course, each careful step along the highway…”

As 2011 ends and the election year of 2012 begins we face again the grim reality of an economy that at its best is stalled and at its worst without denial, still declining. So what is the President to do?

He had hoped that this economic quagmire he stepped into when he was sworn into office, would by sudden chance or by way of this vaporous economic “cycle” economists trout out like a powerful thoroughbred kicking at the sand and snorting into the face of all detractors, declaring “see everything comes back around…it’s just a cycle” But alas it did not, in some mysterious and unexplainable way – “Advance to “GO and collect your money” - resolve itself. Had it, he would then stand proudly at the bow of this mighty economic super ship, throw out his arms wide as if he alone embraced and represented all the solutions to our problems , while tucking the blindfold he has worn for all these years swiftly and adeptly into his back pocket, proclaiming to a recovering nation that finally, he, President Barack Obama, brought us back from the brink of fiscal annihilation and we could, with our new found wealth, once again clog the highways and discuss our lousy jobs at some distant Starbucks,

“And more, much more than this, I did it my way…”

He would throw back the curtain of OZ and humble himself deceitfully

“Yes, there were time I’m sure you knew…
I bit off more than I could chew…
But through it all I had no doubt…
I ate it up and spit it out…I face it all and I stood tall…

In 2008 a man who had nothing to lose went for broke. He had some pretty clever people helping him understand this magic trick he would have to pull off – but that’s all you need…the right people with enough smoke and mirrors and you can make anything look like it’s gone away.
But the economy was not on some ridiculous invisible clock that rolled around with curious precision to reset itself at “good to go” every time it failed. Sometimes, like in 1929, it fails and that’s just about it. But he had another curtain further back and he stuffed this curtain with a few trillion dollars. He tucked that money away like an old gypsy woman filling her mattress because she could not nor would trust the banks. His mattress – very intricately woven into his plan- was ironically what that poor old woman so dreaded, and for good reason…they were Obama’s five banks.

The Washington Post lead with this headline last week (Jan11-2012)

Obama defies Congress with ‘recess’ picks
Nominations could provoke constitutional fight
And the article went on to say (in portion)

“Pushing the limits of his recess appointment powers, President Obama on Wednesday bypassed the Senate to install three members of the National Labor Relations Board and a director for the controversial new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — moves Republicans said amounted to unconstitutional power grabs.

Mr. Obama said the appointments, which he previewed during a campaign-style speech in Ohio, were necessary because Senate Republicans have blocked him at every turn. But in making the move, he rejected three precedents, including two in which he played a part,that would have blocked the appointments.”

“For what is a man, what has he got…
If not himself than he’ has “not…
To say the things he truly feels…
and knot the words of one who kneels”…

And with the swoop of a very underhanded and controversial move he appointed his personal liaison to the five big banks where he had stuffed our money those many years ago. Now he had a person he, himself had put in place - his personal goon - setup to go out and get those nasty banks, now very, very wealthy from the interest three trillion dollars can get you over three years, to get onboard his plan and whip this economic disaster and turn it around once and for all, by golly. And so we arrive at the second part to Mr. Obama’s 2008 re-election plan. Otherwise known as,” now that I have stolen 3.4 trillion dollars and hidden it from the public – how do I get it back into the public and take full credit for it?”

The article told us the rest…

“I refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer,” Mr. Obama said in Shaker Heights, drawing applause from his audience. “When Congress refuses to act and as a result hurts our economy and puts our people at risk, then I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them.”

end quote from article...

And with these words and his previous dirty deed, the checkmate was put in place. Now these noble men moving to the marching orders of this brave and independent political figure will somehow manage to get trillions of dollars into the economy and spark employment like tossing a Molotov cocktail into the dried wood of a southern California forest.

We are about to see the magic. Get ready…Get set…

“The record shows I took the blows…
and did it my way …”

It sure was slick – good going B.O.. For the rest of Americans fooled by this terrible deception it is once again time to mosey up to the government’s sloppy seconds trough and feed; at least through this year and most of next. Kinda’ like that chocolate fountain at the Golden Corral – it don’t get better than this!

“Yes, it was my way”

He didn't just beat all republican contenders, he separated himself from his own party choosing to throw them under his fast moving bus and become the President of the people. In all fairness others have trodden this pathway - some not so righteous others more so - from the famous to the infamous. No doubt our beguiling Mr. Prez B.O. put a whole new swagger on this dagger. Oh’, don’t it hurt so good!

Frank Bosson
CEO, The Bosson Group