Saturday, July 20, 2013



Recently we got some press for a piece we did on how small businesses can distinguish themselves to both current and prospective buyers by creating words or phrases that are “industry concentric”. By that I mean that you can, by “coining” certain words or phrases that better define aspects of your business in concert with the industry you serve, separate yourself from your competitors. Special words or terms referring to products or services improved by your company and benefiting your clients.  One client of ours coined “Poolability” – guess what industry they serve? Pools and Spas – yup…

Our “Visuality” is a perfect example of wordifying your company.  Building on the premise that your online appearance is certifiably one of the most important aspects of your relationship with prospective business (which should be the main thrust of your online presence), we created a process which blends analysis, interpretation, design and structure to tell your story through an amalgamation of words, actions and graphical composition. In other words to create a compelling and amazingly visual narrative of your company on and through your website, mobile presence, marketing, email, presentations and Social Media; using video, pictures and/or animation, combined with powerfully descriptive testimonials, company story-line or Wordbytes®* (resume information specific to your company – ex. “We served over 2,000 clients in five years and increased overall ROI by 35%) with a “Call to Action”.

Why me? Why you? Why now?

The 3-Whys as a web strategy protocol is also our own creation. By analyzing your market, competitors, buyers end-game mentality, industry verticals, Social Media interfaces, SEO and Applifying®** a company can, by designing advanced and sophisticated Mobile Strategies,build complex and highly functional web environments or “Digital Landscapes” that are focused on answering these three (3) questions no matter where, how or why your prospective buyer hits your online interface.

The idea is to be in all the places online with complimentary online efforts that create harmony in your message, consistency in branding integrated into specific functions, interactivity and intuitiveness for the threefold purpose of: selling the prospect, gathering information for immediate contact, gathering information to feed the prospect into the Social Media until they are closer to the buying decision. The protocol actually determines a preemptive and pre-determined place in the business cycle that is "observes" certain behaviors, actions, questions etc., demonstrated by the prospective buyer either through an online function (Website, Web Strategy, Genesis Marketing Event etc.) or by responding to our highly graphical, totally interactive, permission granted, instant notification email system; AlphaBytes®.

The “Digital Landscapes” are designed to become most responsive starting with the prospective buyer at the end-game buying point, then the company checking you out for a near future project and finally the client tripping over you through Google. This is a 3-step down process answering the 3 principle questions that clients ask when they first engage any prospective vendor online; Why me? Why you? Why now?
By blending all three answers into every component (Banners, Site Keys, Navigation, Social Media, email, marketing pieces etc.) of every web or Internet related element we will always have the best opportunity to be considered a legitimate selection in the buying process.  To demonstrate how well this works our company maintains an 80% closing ratio using our Free “Everything Online” Analysis when used in our sales process and in conjunction with our “Digital Handshake”.

Free “Everything Online” Analysis

Of course we offer prospective clients a way to get to know us better by offering a one-of-a-kind free analysis of virtually everything they do, touch, compete with and sell to online. The Free “Everything Online” Analysis is totally thorough stacking the client up against industry competitors, verticals, Social Media formats for buyers and competitors, buyer’s sites, mobile and web strategies and more.

The analysis is delivered using state-of-the-art presentation vehicles through Webex rooms and where we average an 80% close ratio for prospects taking the analysis. And although the actual costs for the analysis exceed $400.00, with this extraordinary closing ratio we are able to amortize the cost throughout the life of the programs. Plus all the information we gather is target specific and useful in developing the client’s “Digital Handshake”.   

Our Own Language

Over the least decade we have created and sustained a language of our own. Now of course these are words, concepts and actions that are truly known mostly to our clients and the people they talk with about our business approach. Nonetheless, these words are firmly ensconced into our daily SOP (standard operating procedure) and include: Wordbytes® APPLIFY® , H.I.T Programming®, Tethered Communities™, AlphaBytes®, nTelegenz®, Genesis Marketing Events® and Telefluence. And all of these are part of our daily language with our clients and prospective clients. These revolutionary and evolutionary programs and events from complex three day conferences to instant notification emails that assist in selling buyers at their buying apex form the core of what we offer and why what we do is different than others. Whether cartoons, video, movies, television or radio these are the programs and processes that make up our arsenal define the difference we bring to our clients efforts.

Tethered Communities™

One of the words and concepts we are most proud of is our Trademarked Tethered Communities™ (Reg. # 4,172,861 Registered July 10, 2012). This seamless home to work environment combines elements of analysis, interpretation, training, hardware, web based and real-time software; uniquely designed for each client for the purpose of sales or appointment setting using online meeting rooms (Webex), sophisticated presentations and at-home, professional, C-Level Telesales people.

As our small family business continues to grow we will continue to salt our lexicon into the day to day operations of all our projects with our new friends. If you want more information on how we can assist you in creating and sustaining a strong online presence backed up by smartly engineered Social Media programs, Mobile Strategies and even seamless home to work telesales email us at

Press Release “Let Me Wordify You ”

So, we give a big shout out to the nearly 150 magazines, newspapers and online news agencies that deemed “Let Me “Wordify” You” worthy of their distinguished name. Some of the most significant include:

With over 51 Million Visitors Daily Yahoo Finance

With over Half Million Visitors Daily

Nearly Half of Million Visitors Daily Silicon Business Journal

350,000 Plus Daily San Francisco Business Times

  NYC - Over Half Million Visitors Daily NYC Business Journal

With over 400,000 Visitors Daily Los Angeles Business 

With nearly Quarter Million Readers Austin Statesman

With over 100,000,000 (one hundred million) readers and viewers from the United States, Canada and Great Britain using online publications, blogs, newspapers, magazines, television and radio, I think we finally and officially put The Bosson Group and 3-YZ on the map.

Thanks from all of us here at TBG/3-YZ

For more information contact us at:  
Visit us online at

*A Wordbyte® is a relevant, real-world piece of information on your company’s success.

**Applify® is the process of creating an integrated Mobile strategy which can include mobile websites, applications, mobile interfaces (Twitter, Facebook etc.) and more.

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